
  • Info -
    • Name : Jason Mojica
    • Occupation : Lead Level Designer / Senior Designer
    • Experience : 10+ years building and scripting levels
    • Email : Generalvivi [at]
    • Website :
  • Software -
    • Unreal Engine 4
    • Unreal Engine 3 / UDK
    • Hammer - Source SDK
    • Diesel Engine
    • Radiant
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • 3ds max
    • Sketchup
  • Professional -
    • Gearbox Software - Internship
      • From : September 2006 - November 2006 ( Paid Internship )
      • Level Designer : Brothers in Arms : Hell's Highway
      • Website :
  • Talks / Presentations -
- 2011 -
  • Presentation / Q&A - For students at ITT Tech in Greenbay
    • When: March 14th, 2011
    • Where: ITT Tech - GreenBay
    • Role: Gave presentation on how to get into the industry
- 2010 -
  • Student Mentor - Job shadowed two students
    • When: May 19-21st 2010
    • Where: Raven Software
    • Role: Gave insight to students on what a game designer does on a daily basis. Showed them the process we go through and explained the different types of design.
  • Panel at Geek kon - Anime / Gaming Convention
    • When: September 3rd - 4th 2010
    • Where: Geek kon
    • Role: Answered questions on level design and the game industry. Also presented and talked about my Developer Diary on Singularity.
- 2009 -
  • Presentation / Q&A - for Sheboygan Etude High School for Arts & Academics
    • When: May 18th, 2009
    • Where: Raven Software
    • Role: Answered questions on level design and the game industry.
  • Presentation / Q&A - for Middleton HS Students
    • When: May 21st, 2009
    • Where: Raven Software
    • Role: Gave a 10-15 min presentation on my design process.
  • Panel at Geek kon - Anime / Gaming Convention
    • When: October 24th 2009
    • Where: Geek kon
    • Role: Answered questions about the game industry and discussed ways to get into the industry.